Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Reasons why mom & dad going away good for kids

The reasons are:

No one:
It gives your children a chance to bond with other members of your 'village' (if dad going away too).

No two:
It gives.....hmmm...aaaa....hmmm....aaa (anybody can help me think of more reasons why mom getting away can be good for kids please...). oh man..I can only think of a reason.

Wahai anak-anak..
Please be good to opah & wan. Listen to them and and always let them happy. Kakak, don't miss your solat and mengaji, look after your sister. Adik, respect your sister.

Opah & Wan..
Please don't spoil them too much. They need to say sorry whenever they did wrong.

We will be leaving them for 6 days. I pray that everything will goes well. Allah, please make them stay healthy, strong and resilient.

"Mother-child relationship is paradoxical and, in a sense, tragic. A mother holds her children's hands for a while...their hearts forever."

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

cute conversation with kids


Adik : Mama nak kurma ! Kurma..kurrrma..kurrrrrma..Macam rumah kan mama.
Mama : Ye ke adik.
Adik : S-A sa, T-U tu, ru..mah...
Mama : Bukan lah adik, S-A sa, T-U tu, satu. Bukan rumah..
Adik : 'SATU RUMAH' lah mama.
Mama : erk ...

(Masa fatin baby, mama adore dekat sorang anak kawan mama bernama Fasihah. Fasihah yang fasih. :-) )


Mama : Syifa, syifa rasa tahun depan mama patut hantar adik dekat Tadika Didik Kreatif ke Tahfiz Impian Kasih?
Syifa : Dua-dua sekali pun bagus.
Mama : Kalau salah satu, syifa rasa mana yang lebih bagus?
Syifa : Hmm...Tahfiz Impian Kasih lah.
Mama : Kenapa, why?
Syifa : Sebab semua orang dekat tahfiz pakai tudung dan solat.
Mama : Tadika Kreatif tak bagus ke.
Syifa : Bagus jugak. Nanti adik pandai English, ada banyak mainan untuk adik, ada music class.

(masih takda keputusan untuk pemilihan tadika fatin untuk tahun depan..)

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Syifa Az Zahra reciting Doa Qunut

Doa Qunut yang dihafal atas permintaan Syifa sendiri sebab dia rasa ada bacaan yang tak lengkap setiap kali dia solat Subuh. Ada minta dia teruskan hafalan Yaasin (suku Yaasin telah dia hafal) dan surah2 lazim yang lain dulu, tapi dia insist dan lebih minat untuk selesaikan hafalan ni dulu. Selalunya dia mampu hafal 1 ayat untuk 1 hari. Tapi disebabkan mama & abah on off ajar dia, pembelajaran pun diselang-selikan dengan tafsir Quran & Hadis dan mengaji, selain dari hafalan, so doa Qunut ni ambil masa dekat sebulan untuk complete memorized. Banyak lagi sebutan yang Syifa perlu perbaiki. Syifa belum masuk Al-Quran pun lagi walaupun umur dah 6 tahun. Masih di penghujung Iqra' 5. Tajwid, sebutan dan kelancaran bacaan masih banyak yang perlu diasah. Mama kena banyak sabar.

Syifa dan Doa Qunut

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Inspiring thoughts for those who are still in the battleship

Quote from inspiring words of Dr Thien Lee Mei. It's the biggest wake up call for me indeed.
Dear all,

It is always a miracle when you believe that you can do it. Yes, I submitted my 10 copies for viva within two years. It seems unbelievable especially when I was a part timer in my first 11 months. Within this period, I slept almost 3 hours only per day and woke up at 3am to read articles for almost 3 hours daily. This is the only time that I have to pursue my PhD with the agreement to my family and children that they should be prioritized over my PhD.

However, this is definitely not good for mental health. Therefore, I decided to take non-paid leave to continue my studies. No choice, because I fail to get scholarship from KPM, not even call for interview too. Subsequently, i convert to be a full time student at my 12th months till to date. As such, I told myself that I must success! 2 years is my target. Programming my mind that there is no time to frustrated, cry or demotivated etc even though I encountered it. The only thing that in my mind is look for alternatives in order to solve the problem asap. Setting up the time frame for each stage of research process (proposal defense, data collection, previva, viva etc) and it must be achieved! Even waiting for viva, I still wake up earlier to read articles and write paper. Actually, I did enjoy this kind of life.

No doubt, to produce a sound and justifiable thesis is not an easy task. There are uncountable difficulties and obstacles that have to be overcome throughout the whole research process. Therefore, writing a thesis needs a great deal of knowledge, skill, persistence, time management, commitment, and ingenuity. Really think and behave like a PhD scholar. Moreover, having a committed and knowledgeable supervisor; critical peers who always challenge and question me about the content of the thesis from a variety of aspects; and knowledge networking from the same and different field are always be the advantages.

Completing the PhD thesis serves as a starting point for me to deepen my knowledge in doing research. Hope I can contribute my limited knowledge to this academic group from time to time.

Above is just my personal experience in pursuing the journey. Of course, different people have different way to achieve his or her target. Hopes this is only a personal experience sharing and serve no more than that. Thanks again and all the best! Enjoy your life with PhD studies because it is so precious to us.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Part 2: Kembara ilmu ke 'Krabi' bersama Tihani & Az Zahra

Here the journey continue..

Krabi or Crabby ?

Krabi, here we come !

Early morning on the second day, after performing Solat Subuh at Masjid Wilayah Krabi, we stopped at a restaurant located in Krabi town at around 7 am (Thai time). I tasted Roti Canai and Nasi Kerabu and they were just perfect for my throat. By the way, entering Thailand means that you should adjust your watch 1 hour later to suit Thai time.

Halal Restaurant selling Roti Canai and variety of Nasi

The next pit stop waz here.

Jee-Or nama tempat ni. Souvenir shop.

Ada tempat berposing kat 'Jee-Or' ni

Test power camera la konon.

Souvenir stalls lagi... Kat sini banyak hasil laut dari cangkerang (shells).

Pusat Penyelidikan Ikan & Penyu, Krabi. 
This place was developed for research purposes besides welcoming the presence of students and public visitors.

Tengok orang bagi makan ikan besar.

Ikan sebesar ni ada dalam kolam tu.

Boleh pegang penyu..

Cow-fish yang camera-friendly

Finally at 1.30 pm, we managed to checked-in our Hotel - Golden Hill Hotel. Our last shower was yesterday's evening. Therefore, the feelings of relaxing was not there to continue the journey. Everybody needs to recharge.

An outskirt hotel with free WIFI
Planning for night activities? Krabi night market in town center only operate on weekends.
Painting the green busker. Seems like he was immune to tickle.

Till we meet again on Part 3 for more exciting and adventurous journey we promise. Bye!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Part 1: Kembara ilmu 'Selatan Thai' bersama Tihani & Az Zahra

The blog had been silent for quite some times, but not the blog owner. So many things happened these few months and the most touching experiences was when both my kiddos were admitted in ward.  

If I'm not mistaken, some day before Aidilfitri last month, my abah mentioned about Krabi trip. Once heard about 'Krabi' I quickly suggested that I am so much interested to join abah. Frankly, I first heard about Krabi a few month ago when my friend in PSP text-ed me telling that they will be going for a vacation in Krabi bringing all her 5 kids aged between 2 to 7 years old and what impressed me was that they will drive there with they own car. Another thing that struck me at that time was how was she going to handle all her 5 small kids simultaneously. I do some research about Krabi soon after that to know what is special about the place. Got it. I am very sure I will get a new fresh experiences in Krabi. You all gonna know why by following this entry till the end.

Our travel route which took us almost 1500 km (return)

We are not going there by plane, nor by car. Here is our transport.

We traveled in a group of 43 people where 80% of them were the experienced one (pensioners) :). Some of them had traveled to more than 9 countries in Europe and many more in Middle East and Asia. Hurm...inspired me..

The beauty of this journey was it was infused alternately with some short 'tazkirah' by the trip organizer himself (Bro Nik) and VCD ceramah agama Ustaz Azhar Idrus. All the participants were also constantly be reminded of the importance of performing Solat including Solat-Solat sunat apabila menjejakkan kaki ke masjid to get blessings from Allah SWT.  We have visited a number of Masjid in Krabi and also in Phuket Island. Along the way, we were reminded and felt amazed of the greatness of our Creator. MasyaAllah, what a nice journey I've ever had.

Masjid Wilayah Krabi

With some of the trip participants in front of a huge mosque in Krabi.

Passing the Sadao border at nearly 12 am, me and hubby carrying the sleepy kids to stamp our passport. Then, we just passed by Dannok town which is adjacent to Sadao, admiring the foods selling at the stalls along the aisles. Luckily the bus driver stopped in the heart of town center of Hatnyai (around 2 hours journey from Dannok). Imagine what time that was! It was nearly 2.30 am. There were also many Halal stalls selling eye-catching foods and the taste was heaven.

Udang ni 40 Baht per piece = RM 4 saja sekoq

Tak tanya pulak sotong katok ni berapa harga

Pulut durian ni di mana-mana pun ada. But I opted for pulut ayam. Dapat makan 3 kali pulut ayam di sana. Satisfied..hahahaha. Gambar takda la pulak sebab bungkus makan atas bas.

This was the place where bomb blast incident were happened in Hatnyai in April 2012. We already planned for Hatnyai visit with USM teammate a week after the incident, unfortunately it need to be cancelled. Alhamdulillah, Allah had made the best arrangement for us. Stalls that we were having our supper was just in front of these hotels. Indeed, a very strategic place and I guess there will be a lot of Muslims here as there are a lot of Halal foods nearby. Oh Allah, please protect our brothers and sisters here.

Heyya, this is just the end of Part 1. So stay tune with us for more fascinating stories. Let my mama take a deep breathe so that she can compose more stories..:) Lemme tell you one secret. She actually hates writing too long. Come on mama, you can do it.

Am I being a good girl all the way mama?

p/s: Some pictures courtesy from Abg Sham & Kak Fairus - http://www.facebook.com/khishamudin.manap. They provided quality pictures taken using DSLR I guess :)

Thursday, August 30, 2012

It takes heart..

Bilalah nak siap research ni kalau asyik pening je..ish..kalut dan tak sistematik langsung..pening lagi.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Words of the day..hahaha

"When I score I don't celebrate it because its my job.
When a postman deliver a letter, does he celebrate?" 

(Balotelli, 2012)

Kah, kah, kah.. memang best ayat dia.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

We love you so dearly

Let the video explain everything...
(Turn ON your computer's volume)

Mama spent about a couple of nights to complete this video, since it is my first attempt working with Windows Movie Maker 2.6. I mean it as a gift on your 6th birthday. Less is more and hope you like it too.


Saturday, June 2, 2012

It's wonderful being Hafiz/Hafizah Quran

Alhamdulillah, moga yang baik-baik menjadi inspirasi buat anak-anak menjadi hafizah suatu hari nanti...dengan izin Allah. Syifa Az Zahra sangat excited dapat jumpa Ustaz Don Daniyal.

Ustaz muda (27 tahun), sahabat kepada pengantin baru yang merupakan jiran seTaman kami.

Sedikit perkongsian yang dipetik dari blog pelajar Fakulti Syariah,Pengkhususan Fiqh dan Usul Fiqh, Universiti Al-Albayt The Hashemite Kingdom Of Jordan.

Firman Allah SWT ;-
ولقد يسرنا القرءان للذكر فهل من مدكر

"Dan sesungguhnya telah Kami mudahkan Al-Quran untuk diingati, maka adakah orang yang menghendakinya? ( Al-Qamar:17 )"

Tiada alasan untuk mengatakan menghafal al-Quran ini payah. Usaha serta doa dan tawakkal kepada Allah pasti akan membuahkan hasil yang diharapkan.

Beliau turut menggariskan kaedah-kaedah yang boleh dikongsikan bersama:

Sebelum menghafal

1. Mempunyai azam dan minat untuk menghafal
2. Memilih waktu yang sesuai untuk menghafal.
3. Memilih tempat yang sesuai untuk menghafal.
4. Berada dalam keadaan tenang.
5. Kosongkan fikiran sebelum menghafal.
6. Pilih sebuah jenis mashaf dan jangan ubah dengan jenis mashaf lain.
7. Beristighfar, membaca selawat dan doa sebelum mula menghafal.
8. Membaca ayat 164 surah AlBaqarah

Sebelum mula menghafal.

Teknik Menghafal

A. Teknik "Chunking"
1. Memisah-misahkan sepotong ayat yang panjang kepada beberapa bahagian yang sesuai mengikut arahan guru.
2. Memisah-misahkan selembar mukasurat kepada beberapa bahagian (2 atau 3 bahagian) yang sesuai.
3. Memisah-misahkan surah kepada beberapa bahagian, contohnya mengikut pertukaran cerita.
4. Memisah-misahkan juz kepada beberapa bahagian mengikut surah, hizib, rubu', cerita dan sebagainya.
5. Memisah-misahkan AlQur'an kepada kelompok surah, setiap 10 juz dan sebagainya.

B. Teknik Mengulang
1. Membaca sepotong atau sebahagian ayat sekurang-kurangnya lima kali sebelum mula menghafalnya.
2. Membaca ayat yang telah dihafal berulangulang kali (10 atau lebih) sebelum berpindah ke ayat seterusnya.
3. Selepas menghafal setiap setengah mukasurat, harus diulang beberapa kali sebelum diteruskan bahagian yang kedua.
4. Selepas menghafal satu mukasurat diulang beberapa kali sebelum diteruskan ke muka surat seterusnya.
5. Sebelum menghafal bahagian AlQur'an seterusnya, harus diulang bahagian yang sebelumnya.

C. Teknik Tumpu dan Ingat
1. Menumpukan penglihatan kepada ayat, mukasurat dan lebaran.
2. Pejamkan mata dan cuba melihatnya dengan minda.
3. Sekiranya masih lagi kabur, buka mati dan tumpukan kembali kepada mashaf.
4. Ulanglah sehingga dapat melihat ayat atau mukasurat tersebut dengan mata tertutup.

D. Teknik Menghafal Dengan Seorang Teman
1. Pilih seorang teman yang sama minat.
2. Orang yang pertama membaca dengan disemak oleh orang yang kedua.
3. Orang yang kedua membaca dengan disemak oleh orang yang pertama.
4. Saling menebuk ayat antara satu sama lain.

E. Teknik Mendengar Kaset
1. Pilih seorang qari' yang baik bagi seluruh AlQur'an atau beberapa qari' bagi surahsurah tertentu.
2. Sebelum mula menghafal, dengar bacaan ayat-ayat yang ingin dihafal beberapa kali.
3. Amati cara, lagu dan tempat berhenti bacaan qari' tersebut sehingga terpahat di fikiran.
4. Mula menghafal ayat-ayat tersebut dengan cara dan gaya qari' tersebut.
5. Sentiasa mendengar kaset bacaan AlQur'an dan kurangkan atau tinggalkan pendengaran lagu kerana ia akan mengganggu penghafalan.

F. Teknik Merakamkan Suara
1. Rakamkan bacaan kita di dalam kaset dan dengar semula untuk memastikan bacaan dan hafalan yang betul.
2. Bagi kanakkanak, rakamkan bacaan ibubapa atau guru kemudian diikuti oleh bacaan kanakkanak tersebut. Minta kanakkanak tersebut mendengar kembali rakaman tersebut beberapa kali hingga menghafalnya.

G. Teknik Menulis
1. Tulis kembali mukasurat yang telah dihafal.
2. Kemudian semak semula dengan mashaf.
3. Menulis setiap ayat pertama awal mukasurat, atau setiap rubu', atau setiap juz, atau setiap surah dalam satu helai kertas.

H. Teknik "Pointers" dan "Keyword"
1. Buat beberapa kotak.
2. Setiap kotak merupakan satu mukasurat.
3. Catit dalam kotak tersebut beberapa perkataan yang menjadi keyword bagi mukasurat tersebut.
4. Merenung dan membayangkan kotak tersebut dalam ingatan.

I. Teknik Menghafal Sebelum Tidur
1. Membaca atau menghafal beberapa potong ayat sebelum tidur.
2. Semasa melelapkan mata, dengar kaset bacaan ayatayat tersebut dan bayangkan posisinya
di minda kita.
3. Dengar kembali dari awal surah, juz atau hizib, atau manamana yang sesuai sehingga ayat yang telah dihafal. Cuba bayangkan ayatayat yang didengar dari kaset di minda kita.

J. Teknik "Mindmaping"
1. Bagi setiap Juz, buat 8 cabang, setiap cabang satu rubu'. Tulis ayat pertama rubu' tersebut dicabangnya.
2. Bagi setiap surah, buat cabang bagi setiap pertukaran cerita atau rubu'.
3. Bagi setiap 10 juz, buat cabang bagi setiap juz, dan cabang yang lebih kecil bagi rubu'.

Mengekalkan Hafalan
1. Jauhi maksiat mata, maksiat telinga dan maksiat hati.
2. Banyak berdoa, terutama waktu mustajab doa seperti ketika berbuka puasa, ketika belayar, selepas azan dan lain-lain lagi.
3. Kerjakan solat hajat kepada Allah.
4. Kerjakan solat Taqwiyatul hifz.
5. Menetapkan kadar bacaan setiap hari, contohnya, selembar, setengah juz, 1 juz dan sebagainya.
6. Membaca pada waktu pagi dan mengulangnya pada waktu malam.
7. Jangan membaca ketika sedang bosan, marah atau ngantuk.
8. Menulis setiap ayat yang mutashabih.

Moga-moga ianya memberi manfaat untuk diri sendiri dan semua.

p/s: Takda TV di rumah lebih baik rasanya.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Unsteady state, low energy level

Mood baru recover sakit..

Friday, May 4, 2012

Expect the unexpected

Uik ! Apa kes pulop aku dijemput jadi reviewer ni. IEEE conference pulak tu. Diri sendiri punya paper pun dok menggagau lagi. Ape pun aku accept jugak invitation ni sebagai menambah pengalaman dan ilmu di dada. Echeche... (yeker tew..). Dah nama pun academician, jangan banyak komplen, dah memang keje aku lar tu. (Huk..huk..huk..walaupun keje aku bertambah, aku pasrah..:) peace..)

Dear Mrs. Azrin Hani Abdul Rashid:

You have been recommended for your expertise. It is our pleasure to take this opportunity to invite you and render your expertise to ISBEIA 2012 by providing technical reviews and participation in this research sharing gathering. Your support will help ensure trend of excellence and is poised to reach new milestones in years to come.

We would like to invite you to join forces, and register as a reviewer and serve on the technical program committee for ISBEIA 2012 (2012 IEEE Symposium on Business, Engineering & Industrial Applications).

Zulhabri Ismail
General Chair, ISBEIA 2012

p/s: Malam ni stay up review paper. Say no to malas2. Play more, learn more. Eh silap, review more, learn more. Kennn..

Thursday, May 3, 2012

What a blast !! Weeehheeeuww

Me workplace aka me workshop
(Petikan dari web I Luv Islam.com)

Daripada Ibn Umar RA sesungguhnya Rasulullah SAW bersabda yang bermaksud:
"Sesiapa yang menuntut ilmu kerana selain daripada Allah SWT ataupun menghendaki menuntut ilmu (sebaliknya) selain daripada Allah SWT, maka disediakan tempat duduknya daripada neraka." [HR Tarmizi]

MasyaAllah, jika terpesong niat, maka nerakalah padahnya. Menuntut ilmu bukan untuk lulus, bukan untuk mendapat kerja yang bagus, bukan untuk dikatakan orang yang bijak atau pelbagai lagi niat yang lain melainkan hanya kerana Allah SWT.

Imam syafie pernah berkata "Tidak diperolehi ilmu kecuali dengan bersabar atas kesengsaraan."

Sahabat Rasulullah SAW sendiri menulis jika ingin menuntut ilmu, adakah kita lebih baik dari mereka dengan tidak menulis apa yang dipelajari?

Abu Hurairah berkata: 
"Tidak ada seorangpun daripada sahabat Rasulullah SAW yang paling banyak meriwayatkan hadis kecuali Abdullah bin Amr bin al Asr, maka sesungguhnya dia telah menulis dan aku tidak menulis" [HR Ahmad dan Baihaqi]


Moral of the entry untuk diri sendiri: Rajinkan diri untuk terus menulis dan menulis artikel ilmiah hasil penyelidikan kerana Allah dan demi kepentingan sejagat dan bersabarlah..:)

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Perjuangan Hadapi Dugaan

You brought joy to my soul
And pleasure to my eyes
In my heart I can feel it
An unexplainable feeling
... Being a mother
The best thing that I could ever ask for

Just thinking of you makes me smile
Holding you, looking in your eyes
I’m so grateful for having you
And everyday I pray
I pray that you’ll find your way

You know I love you, I love you
My little girl, my little girl
I ask God to bless you, and protect you always
My little girl, my little girl
You’re like a shining star
So beautiful you are
My baby girl
You light up my world
I pray that I’ll get the chance
To be around and watch you grow
And witness your first steps
And the first time when you will call me “mama”

I could spend hours watching you
You’re so innocent, so wonderful and pure
O God I can not express my gratitude!
But I’ll raise her good, ‘cause all I want is to please You
And now I pray You’ll guide her steps forever

p/s: It is not fun at all to leave kids to somebody else or even simply leave them with their own father. But sometimes, I do need HELP.

Ya Allah, lapangkanlah dengan Al-Quran hati kami, mudahkanlah urusan kami, tinggikan pahala kami, cantikkan akhlak kami, terangi hati kami dan terangi pula dengannya kubur kami. Ya Allah, Tuhan yang mentadbir dan memelihara sekelian alam. Amin Ya rabbal A'lamin..

Friday, March 23, 2012

Products of AHAR-MFS

warghh..Ngantuks tahap gaban ni..Camne nak buat keje. Cam biaso, ngantuk kalu itu blog juga kasi bukak. Kasi pencerahan mata balik..

Lets see what we have today..

Left-handed girl caught in action.

Me: Haip fatin..makan kena guna tangan mana?
FT: Tangan kanan (sambil tukar tangan utk makan). Tangan kiri nak wash yak..
Me: Tau takper..

Kakak: Fatin ni kaler apa?
Fatin: Kaler Pink
Kakak: Bukanlah. Ni kaler merah. Cuba eja merah. M-E-R-A-H !! Cepat eja.
Fatin: M-A-....
Kakak: Ishh...cuba ingat betul2 dalam otak, M-E-R-A-H !!! Cuba tengok macam kakak, bila teacher ajar, kakak ingat dalam otak..
Me: (Ohh... kakak yang garang bila mengajar, sama mcm mama dia..opss..)

Aksi apa entah
Happy sangat le tu dapat green light tolong buat kek

Its a real school holiday family vacation. No in conjunction of conferences/workshops/meetings. Vahh..very satisfied.

Grrreat storyteller in da house.

Ok dah habih dah.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

What should be the title?

MFS will be leaving The States tomorrow. Yet, there was a sudden heavy snow in Nevada. In addition, he's not felling well. Good and no so good news for me. All I can do is to pray so that Allah will make the best arrangements for us. Being a single mom isn’t that easy for me. It makes me realize that every kid needs loves and attention from a person called ‘father’. I try to act both (being mom and dad) to them, but I noticed, I failed to do so. I might have strength and perseverance on the first month, but it was progressively diminished as time flown. Besides, the kids sometimes being inconsiderate (how should I put the words in modest way), I myself lose my judgment and deliberation. It was indeed not a fine circumstance to stay longer especially for the grown up kids like ‘em.

 p/s: I noticed that my previous 2 entry was written in Malay. My friend telling me that 'hang dah makan dalam kot buat research paper'..Ehehe.. Well yea, memang makan dalam pun. Since sy ni tak bape pandai Bahasa Inggeris and I have a very poor vocab, it took me ages to put words in a proper sentences. So bila nak tulis blog, I felt like really tired to find English words. Why must I write in English? I did this blog on purpose. Few reasons on the list. To be frank the top reason was to improve my English writing skills and widen my vocab. So guys, don't get me wrong.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Naluri ibu

Baru balik dari register standard 1 untuk anak sulung. Melangkah masuk sekolah dengan mata berkaca, penuh rasa sebak dan doa tak putus-putus. Semoga akhlak Syifa Az Zahra sentiasa terpelihara di sekolah baru ini, menjadi muslimah yang hebat, berjaya dunia akhirat. Keluar dari pagar sekolah, masih teruskan niat, tapi air mata tak dapat bendung lagi. Berderai dalam kereta..:)

Haishh..itu belum hari pertama sekolah darjah 1.

Dah 6 tahun mama besarkan Syifa

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

In the spotlight

Kids, please stay healthy. I pray for both of you to recover soon and also pray so that Allah will forgive all my sins.

These are all the latest pics collection of them. Someone was strongly missing them.

Kakak batuk yang sangat teruk hanya waktu malam. Hampir dua per tiga tidur malamnya diisi dengan batuk berkahak tanpa henti. I'm glad to have my mum who sleep beside her, monitor and calm her down while she was having her very bad cough. Rasanya malam semalam opah hanya dapat tidur nyenyak 2 jam. Risau sangat cucunya tak selesa. Ada je yg opah akan buat untuk kurangkan batuk. However, no matter how less sleep she has, opah akan tetap bangun seawal pukul 5.30 pagi, terus mandi dan solat subuh. Unlike anak pompuan dia ni, seboleh-boleh nak curi masa qada balik kekurangan tidur. Hmm...

Adik pulak dah disahkan Doctor menghidap hand foot and mouth disease. Anak-anak saya dah pernah kena penyakit ni. So dah boleh expect dah, how was the situation I'm going to face dengan adik nanti. Dalam pada tengah menulis entry ni, 2 kali terhenti sebab adik nangis. I am fully prepared for next stages.

Ada juga beberapa orang yang bagi macam-masam andaian berkaitan kenapa anak-anak boleh terjebak dengan sakit ni. Typical assumptions adalah seperti cuaca tak elok, memang musim orang tak sihat, berjangkit dari taska dan sebaginya. From my point of view, besides not rejected all the assumptions, sy rasa ada kaitan dengan perkara yang berlaku last week. Last week saya jadi 'singa jadian' dekat budak-budak ni disebabkan perkara-perkara yang saya tak suka. Mungkin Allah nak balas there and then apa yang saya dah buat kat anak-anak ni.


Friday, January 20, 2012

They are all safe with me..

Halo babah, not too worry okay. Your 'pokok' are all safe under my supervision..ngeh3x..Punya takut pokok2 MFS ni mati, tiap-tiap hari mesti bagi mandi dulu sebelum bagi mandi anak-anak.

See, I did not lie you...

Fresh green and fertile..

 So..so..okay la..

 This one I like most..turmeric plant, the fat one..wallah !

But..erk..not for this. Sorry..

 I don't have any idea what happen to this tomato plant? By default, you should count on weather as well :) perhaps..it has not enough love from you. Yes, you.

Lil Fatin got letter from America.

How suweeeet !