Monday, July 22, 2013

Travel blog

In conjunction of MFS 'tet' birthday today, I officially announce the launched of his 'Travel Journal'. Travelling is one of his interest, passion and enthusiasm. He did thorough research on every places he visited. Something to lose if he does not share his experiences I guess. So there it goes.

And the journey will keep going, InshaaAllah..(dengan izinNya)

Btw, there is a deferred post that I have promised to create. It is all been told precisely in Koh Panyee Visit. Enjoy reading, and I hope it may benefit everyone accordingly.

Monday, July 15, 2013

The syndrome

I am going to cry as much as I can if I can complete this. :-(
I am totally upside down.

#Sorry viewers, this is just another syndrome. Do not get yourself stuck into this.#

Terapi terbaik adalah solat dan doa.

"Ya Allah, jadikanlah kelapangan dan jalan keluar untukku dari setiap perkara yang membuatkanku sedih dan susah dalam urusan dunia serta akhiratku. Berikanlah aku rezeki dari arah yang tidak disangka-sangka. Ampunilah dosa-dosaku. Mantapkanlah harapanku padaMu dan putuskanlah harapan itu selain Mu, agar aku tidak pernah berharap kepada sesiapapun selain Engkau."

(Doa Nabi Yusuf ketika dalam keresahan & kebingungan)

****Another expression of feelings by a women who ONLY scored 2A's in UPSR, 5A's in PMR and 15 aggregate in SPM****